¡Serving our customers for more
than 35 years!
Group of companies dedicated to fishing, aquaculture, processing and marketing of seafood, hence the motto: "From the sea to your table". Grupo Degfer guarantees the permanent supply of its products, as well as a careful quality throughout the production chain. The diversification of the investments of the family group contributes to the generation of employment and development of the community.
The business began in the 70s with the workshop De Genna and the opening of the company Manareco (Commercial), dedicated to the present to the sale of spare parts for diesel engines. At the beginning of the 80s he ventures into the tuna industry (Fisheries Division) with the incorporation of BP. Joselito. It currently has a fleet of 5 vessels and fishing with a capacity of more than 12,000 tons per year. In the middle of the year 2000, our cold storage comes into operation with 4,900 tons of capacity (Frigodegfer) and currently exceeds 10,000 tons of storage. As a business group, we open ourselves to the world with the added value of the fishing process (Frescodegfer), a fresh fishing ground. Between the integration of fishing activities we have made real estate acquisitions that are becoming investments in tourism and agriculture
eing a competitive, innovative company with recognized national and international prestige in the process, marketing and export of seafood products, with strict compliance with national and international regulations, with trained personnel committed to the environment, as well as the constant improvement of processes and the diversification of the supply of exportable products in international markets.
Process quality products according to international standards, which meet the requirements of our customers and consumers, through the continuous improvement of processes, direct relationship with suppliers and the conservation of the environment.